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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Hitomi Tanaka - Star 134 (Sex Scenes only)

Click pic for larger preview

Deposit Files Pt. 1, Deposit Files Pt. 2
Rapidshare Pt. 1, Rapidshare Pt. 2
Megaupload Pt. 1, Megaupload Pt. 2


  1. It is a law in Japan that certain parts of the genitalia must be censored, even in pornography. This is why all Japanese made pornography, even hentai and still photos, will be censored in some way. In order to actually see her pussy she would have to move elsewhere and start making videos.

  2. yeah what's the farking pw tards

  3. Anonymous said...

    the password is onlybigtits

    Just like it says in the top right corner of the blog...
    August 8, 2009 4:47 PM
